Monday, September 26, 2016

New Study Links Texas Quakes to Fracking Wells

New Study Links Texas Quakes to Fracking Wells - Ike Bloyer 9/26/16

1. Two phrases from the article that show that water might be causing the earthquakes are: "...wastewater injection from shallow wells resulted in detectable ground uplift at distances up to 5 miles," and "By creating an impasse in the rock, the injection well forced the pore pressure downwards until it hit an ancient fault line."

2. The quote from the article that supports the fact that the water might be causing the earthquake is: "The deeper wells affected pore pressure, which refers to 'the pressure exerted by a column of water from the formation's depth to sea level.'"

3. Two details from the article that support the author's conclusion are: "the researchers began to track the changes in the Earth," and "By creating an impasse in the rock, the injection well forced the pore pressure downwards until it hit an ancient fault line."

4. They main way scientists have found to get rid of this water was by pushing it thousands of feet underground, where it will stay and push good water up.

5. Based on the article, the author probably isn't with fracking as it has lead to an earthquake and a few deaths. The author's tone makes it seem like he thinks another one will happen, making him against fracking.

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