Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Army’s Self-Driving Trucks Hit the Highway to Prepare for Battle

1. Two words or phrases from the article that support the fact that automatically driving vehicles will support the military are :  surveillance and fast response.

2. A quote from the article that support the fact are : "fully autonomous truck convoys will be ready to serve in conflict zones."

3. As the author stated in the article, the reason these will be able to server fully automatically within 10 years are because of the technology put into the trucks. They are always in a convoy, enabling them to relay data to one another about where things are in their surroundings. Also, the scanners on the trucks are meant to detect obstacles from a far distance, making them more safe because the on-board computers have more time to calculate what the best move is for the truck.

4. The biggest benefit of using these self-driving trucks are that several people's lives won't be put on the line. With this, less people will die. A quote that supports this conclusion is : "We do want to get soldiers out of the convoy vehicles, in case they could be on roads with IEDs,"

5. Based on the writing of the article, I feel like the author is a strong supporter of the trucks. She seems to feel like the ethical issue of if the trucks are safe minor in comparison to the amount of solider lives that will be saved.

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