Tuesday, October 25, 2016

3D-Printed Hands Test Fingerprint Scanner Accuracy

3D-Printed Hands Test Fingerprint Scanner Accuracy - 10/25/16

1. The first two paragraphs help to establish the tone of the article by saying the job of recreating a hand with a 3D printer will be a difficult job, but it can be done. Two words that show the tone are far-fetched and calibrate.

2. The phrase "consistent and reliable" means something that can be remade or redone with the same or extremely similar results throughout the models made.

3. The word choice picked from the author helps to establish the tone by explaining that the task will be difficult, but can be done. It affects the meaning of the text because it really shows the reader that the task won't be easy.

4. The 3 paragraphs help establish the tone by explaining that the task will take awhile to setup, create, test, and perfect it. Since the job is hard, it will take some time, but eventually they will get it right.

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