Tuesday, September 20, 2016

TASK - Smart Factory Technologies Step Up at IMTS

Isaiah Bloyer - 9/20/16
Smart Factory Technologies Step Up at IMTS

1. Two phrases that support the fact that connecting automated computers to the equipment will help are: "manufacturers have to fully connect their machine tools to the Web and enterprise systems, collecting Big Data off the factory floor for crunching in analytics software systems," and "Fusion lifecycle aimed offering a complete design-through-manufacturing platform for manufacturers."

2. From the article, a phase that shows that more factories will become connected is: "At Siemens’ IMTS booth, the company also demonstrated how its new NX 11 CAD/CAM software’s new Convergent Modeling, which enables working with geometry including combination s of facets, surfaces and solids, that greatly accelerates and improves part designs before they’re built, including use with new additive manufacturing techniques." This basically shows that more companies will adopt this new software over older versions, making the companies more up-to-date with new technologies.

3. Two facts from the article that help support the author's conclusion that are that with the new cloud based platform that helps to connect designing and manufacturing, more companies will adapt to it because of the new features and low cost. Also, since companies will be able to connect their designs with the manufactures more easily, making it easier for them to test their product and tweak it to make it better.

4. The biggest benefit of the new analytic software is that it is more efficient. Companies will be able to see productivity more easily, making it better for them to rule out unhelpful procedures. Also, the new analytic system will help to make products more easily.

5. Based on the author's writing in the article, I can tell the author is in favor of these smart factories. He seems to refer to them is innovative, which wouldn't be said by someone not in favor of the factories.

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