Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Task: Here’s What It Feels Like to Spend a Year on ‘Mars’

Isaiah Bloyer - 9/7/2016
Here’s What It Feels Like to Spend a Year on ‘Mars’

1. Two phrases from the article that show that life on Mars is difficult are: "You have to suspend disbelief a little bit to really get the full experience." and "I took one of the biggest house models that was available, put it up there, and just started going crazy."

2. The quote from the article that supports the idea that living with a small group is difficult is: "What we’ve found is that there’s no magic bullet to prevent conflict, it’s how you deal with it and how you respond to it. Not just as individuals, but as a group.”.

3. Two ways that this project can help scientists learn more about how people work in groups are that researching the groups ahead of time with help them avoid any potential problems before they arise, and also it helps to find people who can work together in a cohesive group.

4. The people in the experiments feel disconnected from the reality of what is outside of the dome and feel connected with what is going on in the dome. As Andrzej Stewart stated, you have to suspend all disbelief to fully help with the research in the experiment.

5. Based on how the author regards the astronauts, she probably is a big advocate for sending people to Mars. She seems to often regard the experiment as something that is important research for the future trips.

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