Monday, February 13, 2017

Pacific Trash Patch TASK 2/143/17

1. 'Great Pacific garbage patch' far bigger than imagined, aerial survey shows
Choking the Oceans With Plastic

2. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a man caused cluster of trash, mainly plastic, that just floats as 1 lump sum of trash. It has been forming for around 6 years.

3. The articles are the same in the fact that they have the same intention of getting rid of the trash patch. However, the first article talks about the sheer size of the patch. The article explains that the path is much larger than they expected. It's so dense in trash that it's size is larger than they calculated. The second article talks about the stuff in the patch.

4. For the similar parts of the article, the author had similar views. They both wanted to stop the patch and get rid of it.

5. One detail that was present in one but not the other was the size of the ocean trash.

6. Obviously the ocean patch is something that needs to go. The amount of trash in it isn't good.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Autonomous Cars TASK 1/23/17

1. | Self-Driving Cars Gain Powerful Ally: The Government | Robotics
2021 May Be the Year of the Fully Autonomous Car

2. An autonomous car is a car that can drive itself with little to no human interaction. Several corporations such as Uber are currently developing these cars. Some of the advantages of an autonomous car is that it can drive people without human aide, making it easier and more efficient for people. A disadvantage for the cars is their sense of awareness. Since these machines can't fully think for themselves, how will they react in unsafe situations.

3. The main difference between the two articles is that the second articles advocates for them in the future, while the first article says that they are a technology that should be overlooked for a while.

4. The author's views were conflicting in that the first article was a little bit skeptical. They did list the advantages of them so the author isn't fully against them. The second article, however, is fully confident in their use in the near future. This is seen by the article's title stating that they could become available by 2021.

5. One detail present in one but not the other was the fact of the U.S. government's intervention of the cars in the first article. With this detail in the second article, the meaning would barely change.

6. After reading both articles, I feel that they are something beneficial, however, they should be closely monitored until we know their full capabilities.

Monday, January 9, 2017

TASK - Gigafactory

1. The race to get ‘Tesla Gigafactory 2’ heats up, French Minister visits Fremont factory
Tesla Flips the Switch on the Gigafactory

2. The Gigafactory is a new factory owned by Tesla that is being constructed to make lithium-ion battery cells.

3. The difference between the two articles is that the second article talks about the construction of the Gigafactory in Nevada while the first article talks about the construction of a similar factory in Europe. The first article also talks about some of the key features of the Gigafactory.

4. The author's views in both articles are similar in that both seem to be fond of the factory. Neither articles seem to think down upon the factory, especially the first article that plans on making another one in Europe.

5. The second article talks about the current advancement of the Gigafactory while the first doesn't. This simple detail wouldn't have much of an impact of the meaning of the first article because the nature of the article is different.

6. After reading both articles, I personally feel like the Gigafactory is a big advancement for people. This factory will allow their high-quality batteries to be made at a larger scale and possibly a cheaper cost. On a another economic perspective, the factory allows more jobs to be created. Any factory, whether near fully robotic or human made, creates several jobs.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Engineering Silicon-Based Lifeforms

Engineering Silicon-Based Lifeforms - 11/28/16

1. The tone of the article is one of excitement and exploration. The author of the article seems really excited about the new discoveries.

2. The sentence gives a tone of happiness and discovery as scientists are now able to create organisms from silicon bonds.

3. The author is making this point because the use of carbon essential for making life, so the author feels the need to stress that.

4. The use the words chosen in the article make it seem as if the author is more excited for this discovery. The choice of words help to change the meaning because some other words wouldn't broadcast the same meaning as the article.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Will Banning Killer Robots Prevent Robots from Killing?

Will Banning Killer Robots Prevent Robots from Killing? - 11/21/16

1. Paragraphs 1 and 2 help to establish the tone of the article by changing how the read sees the words. The word choice helps the article seem more interesting and funny. By using things like terminator and such in the article, it helps to lighten the tone.

2. The author is setting a tone of urgency and seriousness by explaining that they need to go back and restart.

3. The author is making this point because several people think this technology is years in the making. However, some companies are already making this and perfecting the technology.

4. The author's word choice helps to develop the tone by making it seems serious, yet making it enjoyable for the reader to read.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Math Is a Rite of Passage for Engineers—But Should It Be?

Math Is a Rite of Passage for Engineers—But Should It Be? - 11/10/16

1. Paragraphs 1 and 2 help establish the tone by showing how the the author feels about the topic. Two words from the first paragraph that helps to support the tone is to are "mechanical efficiency" and  "less energy lost."

2. There is no question

3. The phrase means they're going to remake the rockets from the ground up, thus changing the how it works.

4. The author's word choice helps to develop the tone by changing how the reader feels about it. If the word choice creates a negative tone, then the reader will have a negative outlook on it. It also helps to develop the meaning of words because the tone changes the nuance of some words.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Rocket Lab’s 3D-Printed Rocket Engine Ready for Test Flights - 10/31/16

Rocket Lab’s 3D-Printed Rocket Engine Ready for Test Flights

1. Paragraphs 1 and 2 help set the tone of the article by showing how serious or relaxed parts of it are. Two words that help show the tone are first commercial and redefine.

2. No question for #2

3. That phrase means that they will try to reinvent the rockets used in the in the spacecrafts. They will remake the to make them better.

4. The author's word choice helps to develop the tone by making it seem more enthusiastic. It helps to change the meaning of the text because it makes it more interesting for the reader.

5. The three paragraphs help develop the tone by making it more interesting to read.