Thursday, November 10, 2016

Math Is a Rite of Passage for Engineers—But Should It Be?

Math Is a Rite of Passage for Engineers—But Should It Be? - 11/10/16

1. Paragraphs 1 and 2 help establish the tone by showing how the the author feels about the topic. Two words from the first paragraph that helps to support the tone is to are "mechanical efficiency" and  "less energy lost."

2. There is no question

3. The phrase means they're going to remake the rockets from the ground up, thus changing the how it works.

4. The author's word choice helps to develop the tone by changing how the reader feels about it. If the word choice creates a negative tone, then the reader will have a negative outlook on it. It also helps to develop the meaning of words because the tone changes the nuance of some words.

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