Monday, January 9, 2017

TASK - Gigafactory

1. The race to get ‘Tesla Gigafactory 2’ heats up, French Minister visits Fremont factory
Tesla Flips the Switch on the Gigafactory

2. The Gigafactory is a new factory owned by Tesla that is being constructed to make lithium-ion battery cells.

3. The difference between the two articles is that the second article talks about the construction of the Gigafactory in Nevada while the first article talks about the construction of a similar factory in Europe. The first article also talks about some of the key features of the Gigafactory.

4. The author's views in both articles are similar in that both seem to be fond of the factory. Neither articles seem to think down upon the factory, especially the first article that plans on making another one in Europe.

5. The second article talks about the current advancement of the Gigafactory while the first doesn't. This simple detail wouldn't have much of an impact of the meaning of the first article because the nature of the article is different.

6. After reading both articles, I personally feel like the Gigafactory is a big advancement for people. This factory will allow their high-quality batteries to be made at a larger scale and possibly a cheaper cost. On a another economic perspective, the factory allows more jobs to be created. Any factory, whether near fully robotic or human made, creates several jobs.

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