Monday, November 21, 2016

Will Banning Killer Robots Prevent Robots from Killing?

Will Banning Killer Robots Prevent Robots from Killing? - 11/21/16

1. Paragraphs 1 and 2 help to establish the tone of the article by changing how the read sees the words. The word choice helps the article seem more interesting and funny. By using things like terminator and such in the article, it helps to lighten the tone.

2. The author is setting a tone of urgency and seriousness by explaining that they need to go back and restart.

3. The author is making this point because several people think this technology is years in the making. However, some companies are already making this and perfecting the technology.

4. The author's word choice helps to develop the tone by making it seems serious, yet making it enjoyable for the reader to read.

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