Monday, January 23, 2017

Autonomous Cars TASK 1/23/17

1. | Self-Driving Cars Gain Powerful Ally: The Government | Robotics
2021 May Be the Year of the Fully Autonomous Car

2. An autonomous car is a car that can drive itself with little to no human interaction. Several corporations such as Uber are currently developing these cars. Some of the advantages of an autonomous car is that it can drive people without human aide, making it easier and more efficient for people. A disadvantage for the cars is their sense of awareness. Since these machines can't fully think for themselves, how will they react in unsafe situations.

3. The main difference between the two articles is that the second articles advocates for them in the future, while the first article says that they are a technology that should be overlooked for a while.

4. The author's views were conflicting in that the first article was a little bit skeptical. They did list the advantages of them so the author isn't fully against them. The second article, however, is fully confident in their use in the near future. This is seen by the article's title stating that they could become available by 2021.

5. One detail present in one but not the other was the fact of the U.S. government's intervention of the cars in the first article. With this detail in the second article, the meaning would barely change.

6. After reading both articles, I feel that they are something beneficial, however, they should be closely monitored until we know their full capabilities.

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