Monday, February 13, 2017

Pacific Trash Patch TASK 2/143/17

1. 'Great Pacific garbage patch' far bigger than imagined, aerial survey shows
Choking the Oceans With Plastic

2. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a man caused cluster of trash, mainly plastic, that just floats as 1 lump sum of trash. It has been forming for around 6 years.

3. The articles are the same in the fact that they have the same intention of getting rid of the trash patch. However, the first article talks about the sheer size of the patch. The article explains that the path is much larger than they expected. It's so dense in trash that it's size is larger than they calculated. The second article talks about the stuff in the patch.

4. For the similar parts of the article, the author had similar views. They both wanted to stop the patch and get rid of it.

5. One detail that was present in one but not the other was the size of the ocean trash.

6. Obviously the ocean patch is something that needs to go. The amount of trash in it isn't good.